

NULL 1. 【形容词】零的;无效的;无价值的;空的.    2. 【名词】零;空;无.    3. 【及物动词】使无效.



尺寸外形尺寸(HWD) 英寸 *9 x 5.5 x 8.5 英寸 ( HWD ) 台湾华微电子(HWD) 体积 体积(HWD):



您这钱是北宋时期的铜钱。 钱文是篆书字。顺时针认读是【熙宁重宝】 四个字。属于市面常见的普通版别,市场价格十五元左右。



bulb n. 电灯泡,球状物
bulb [bQlb] n. 鳞茎, 球形物 bulb There are two kinds of bulb. One means a light bulb, which you screw into a light socket. The second kind means the bulb, which refers to the seeds for a flower. For example: When your light at home burns out, you must replace the bulb. 鳞茎、球状物 bulb bulb AHD:[b??lb] D.J.[b(lb] K.K.[b(lb] n.(名词) Botany 【植物学】 A short, modified, underground stem surrounded by usually fleshy modified leaves that contain stored food for the shoot within: 鳞茎,球根:一个短的,可修剪的,地下茎,常被肉层的可修剪的叶子包裹着,内部含有根部所需的养分: an onion bulb; a tulip bulb. 洋葱球;郁金香球根 A similar underground stem or root, such as a corm, rhizome, or tuber. 球茎:一个类似的位于地下的茎或根,如球茎、块茎或球根 A plant that grows from a bulb. 块茎植物:由球根生长成的植物 A rounded projection or part: 球物:圆形的突出物或部分: the bulb of a syringe. 注射器的圆形部分 An incandescent lamp or its glass housing. 灯泡:白炽灯或其玻璃外罩 Anatomy A rounded dilation or expansion of a canal, vessel, or organ. 【解剖学】 肿块:管、血管或器官的圆形扩张或膨胀 Latin bulbus 拉丁语 bulbus from Greek bolbos [bulbous plant] 源自 希腊语 bolbos [由球茎长成的植物] bulb [bQlb] n. 植物的球茎 球茎状物;电灯泡 bulb [bQlb] n. 【植】球根, 鳞茎 球状物; 球形零件; 玻璃泡; 灯泡(寒暑表)水银球; 真空管; 测温仪表; 传感器 【解】球; 咽球, 延髓, [pl. ]扁桃腺 (照相机的)快门 (汽车的)圆形车壳;【船】球形船艏 隆起 (雄性蜘蛛变形的)跗节端 the bulb of the eye 眼球 the bulb of an electric lamp 电灯泡 the bulb of a hair 毛(发)根 the bulb of a tooth 齿穴中的乳头状突起物

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