

转账 [zhuǎn zhàng] transfer accounts电子转账: wire transfer



同城同行same city same bank异地同行different city same bank同城跨行same city different bank异地跨行different city different bank跨行转账transfer in different banks



如题,翻译如下: T/T before shipment 楼上翻译的对!
We accept the payment by T/T, and we will arrange the shipment after we get the money.
100% T/T in advance
shipment after received 100%T/T再看看别人怎么说的。
T/T before shipment



银行间转帐:inter-bank transfer银行内转帐:inner-bank transfer一般说话时transfer指的就是银行间的转帐,很少加inter-bank,而要表达本银行内的转帐,就必须加inner-bank来表明。
你好!同城同行same city same bank  异地同行different city same bank  同城跨行same city different bank  异地跨行different city different bank  跨行转账transfer in different banks  行内转账是:同一种银行转账,和区域无关。例如:工商银行向工商银行转账就是工商银行 行内转账跨行转账:不同银行的转账业务。如:工商银行向农业银行转账;建设银行向交通银行转账等。我的回答你还满意吗~~


I am sorry to be unable to transfer the money to your bank account because the handling charge is too expensive; I would like to choose the Western Union instead, which is cheaper than yours. You should only need to bring your Personalausweis to the Postbank and hand over necessary information to them to draw the money at the appointed time. If you are for my suggestion, I will remit €200 on the instant. These Web addresses will help you learn the Western Union.  P.S. Is your name is Peter Waltje? Your name must be assured accurate, or the remittance cannot be drawn out.
Sorry, directly to your bank account remittance poundage is too high, of Western Union (Western Union) is cheaper, then you just need to take id card (Personalausweis) to a post bank Postbank (), please provide some information, as long as you agree I will immediately remitted 200 euros. These sites can help you understand western union.Also, may I have your name is Peter Waltje? This must ensure accurate, otherwise unable to withdraw.
音乐的世界是一个多姿多彩的世界 萧煌奇是一个从中国台湾来的一个歌手兼写词人。直到现在,他发过了五张专辑,也赢得了不少的奖项。在他唱过的最热门的歌曲里,最有名的一个歌曲是叫做“你是我的眼”。这首歌描述这他真实的生活,一个虽看不见,却爱着音乐和地球的盲人。 萧煌奇从生出来那刻起就是一个盲人了。在他四岁那年,他通过手术终于看得见这美好的世界了。那年是他最开心的一年了,因为他终于可以用自己的眼睛看到这个世界了。他开始学习柔道,吹萨克斯管和吉他。但命运似乎在他的身上开了个很大的玩笑。十年后,他又看不见了,而原因竟然是因为过度的使用眼睛。对他来讲这是一个非常大的打击。但他是那么的坚强和乐观,很快的,他走出的他的悲伤。于是他开始创作歌曲,在写歌中发现了一个彩色的世界。他用听觉和感觉来感受这个世界,然后把这种感情融入到音乐当中。 “当这扇门关起时,另一扇门则会为你而开。”音乐为他打开了他人生中的另一扇门,让他的世界变成了一个彩色,美好的世界。 (大部分是这样了,本人英文也不是太好,放心没有用机器翻译。)

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